The UK Game Delays School In KY

In Kentucky, school gets called off, delayed, or ends early for many weather related events.  My kids have missed more school this year than I think I ever missed in one year during my time as a student in K-12.  It has been a crazy winter for KY and my kid's school has actually extended each day by 15 minutes to make up the lost time!  I also saw just last week that the school in my hometown was put on a 1-hour delay because of a rainstorm (which presumably caused some roads to flood).  But today I witnessed another first, that is, delaying school tomorrow (Tuesday) because of the UK Wildcats game tonight (Monday)!  Check out the note to the left, which I just received from my kid's principal/school!  (No, this is not a joke!)  Yeah, the rumors are true, we're pretty hardcore about our college basketball around here!  Go cats!  #bbn