Getting Greek: Word Roots App

My third app has been released, namely, the Getting Greek: Word Roots App. The Getting Greek: Word Roots App is a ligthweight yet powerful little app that assists Greek learners in mastering Koine Greek word roots. The app itself contains over 150 word roots. Along with each Koine root, English definitions are given as well as mnemonic devices. The aim of this app is to help students of Koine build their vocab, increase their speed in both word recognition and reading, get familiar with the fact that Koine words typically go through a process of formation, and also to get motivated to dig deeper into Koine Greek. Word roots are arranged alphabetically and the interface is very user-intuitive. Best of all, it is only 99 cents!!! This is a great resource for students, seminarians, laypersons, clergy, pastors, professors and ancient language-lovers alike. You can get it on your phone or in the online Android Market where you can find more screenshots, details and watch a video of the app in action! You can also see my other Koine Greek apps in the Android Market or read about them HERE (Paradigms & Charts App) and HERE (Koine Greek Alphabet App).