A Beginning Blogger: New Feature

This month I am adding a new feature to Pisteuomen: A Beginning Blogger. As a fairly new blogger myself (I've only been doing this 5 and 1/2 months), I realize how tough it is to get people to visit your site, comment, add you to their blogroll, etc. Now, I've done a lot to make my blog both resource and user-friendly and I believe that's contributed to its success but it might have also helped if some more well-known persons helped draw attention to Pisteuomen. Well, with the conviction that the biblio-blogosphere is not about constantly catering to the egos of a select few or having to be around for years in order to make it (among other things, like creating a resourceful, edifying online community), I thought I'd add this feature. That said, there are a few guidelines:

1. Your blog has to be less than 1 month old to be added to "A Beginning Blogger"

2. Your blog should be bible / theology oriented

3. Contact me (via Pisteuomen comment box) to let me know you're interested

Though this is in its trial stage, I do hope it proves to be a helpful addition to Pisteuomen. Who will be first?


  1. That sounds like a good idea to help out beginners.

  2. Hopefully some people will take me up on it. I would love to help out those just starting. Thanks, John.

  3. I checked and I have four days to go (5 in the USA) before my blog is one month old. I do want people to interact with things I have to say. I commented on your blog once but that was before I worked out how to maintain as much anonymity as I could so I did not include my profile or blog name. I am hiding my identity because as my first post says it is shakily and with trepidation that I am entering the Christian blog world. I really am not ready yet to make myself identifiable but I do want to make a comment on some of the blogs I do read, sometimes on my own blog in an extended manner.

  4. Naomisu,

    Thanks for replying; I understand the anonymity factor. If you want me to and you think you meet or will meet some of the beginning blogger standards, I will list you at the top right corner of my site. Please let me know if you're interested. I plan to read your post on divorce, etc. soon.

    Merry Christmas,

  5. Hey Michael, thanks for leaving a comment over at my blog. I would love it if you would add me to the beginning blogger list.

  6. Hey Michael, I came on your blog to listen to your paper on Jesus baptism (it didn't work for me though :( ) and I also think you have alot of good thoughts (esp. on Mark) and provide great resources. But I stumbled across this New Feature and as a new blogger I wondered if I could bug you for some shameless self-promotion for my blog :) I am at www.thegoldenrule1.blogspot.com if you want to see if there is any stuff you are interested in. Thanks,

  7. Mike, glad you like the site. Hey, if you want to download the audio version, go to that post again and in the comments section, click the link. Or, follow the link below. As for the blogger feature, yep, I'll check out your site and perhaps help you out. Thanks,


  8. Hey Michael, I'm not sure if this posted or not. But I have a blog I started around a month ago called, Christ, My Redeemer. If you wouldn't mind, would you perhaps help me out with some promotion?

    Grace and peace,


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