I've Been Invited To Teach At Evangelical Theological College
**UPDATE** : Some people have asked me to post a PayPal button to this site so that they can help. So, with that request in mind, here's the button. If anyone's interested in helping with this, I'd be incredibly grateful.
I've also been asked "why" I want to do this. Well, there are a few reasons: 1) It will give me the opportunity to stay connected to Ethiopia, where my adopted son is from; 2) It will give me the opportunity to experience Ethiopia in a different setting and context, that is, apart from a week where the adoption "process" is the focus; 3) It will be a good opportunity for me to get more teaching under my belt; 4) ETC is devoted to the Church! And because this is the case, EVERY student who attends there, must be "sent" on behalf of a church, whether it is one where they pastor or serve as a lay person. With this in mind, I realize that I am equipping students to teach and preach in churches in Ethiopia, whether it be in the countrysides or the cities; 5) This will give me a chance to revisit Korah and its ministers/ministries. To read & see more about that, click the following link: Korah; 6) It gives me the opportunity to allow persons & churches in the states to have a direct hand in helping me teach the Gospel in Ethiopia. Those are just a few of the reasons I so badly want to take hold of this opportunity. Again, if you are interested in supporting the cause, I'd be grateful. For now, Merry Christmas. -Michael

I just got word from the Academic Dean at Evangelical Theological College in Ethiopia, that they would like for me to come in the summer--Ethiopia's rainy season, actually--and teach a 3-week intensive New Testament course. While they've given me the option to teach either Mark's Gospel or Galatians, not surprisingly, Mark will probably be my choice. Since they're unable to fly me over there, I will have to find some way to purchase a plane ticket, so, I'm hoping that I can maybe find some sponsors. If anyone's interested, please, let me know. Or if you know anyone that's interested (e.g. a church, a rich uncle, etc.), put them in contact with me. Anyway, this is good news and an incredible opportunity; I sure hope I can make it back to Ethiopia the rainy season to teach. To read more about ETC, click the image link above.